European Series

Fuel Pump Module 043919051 BAA919051C for VW

Views: 10
Brand: VW
OEM: 043919051-baa919051c
OEM:043919051 BAA919051C
VW SEDAN 1.6L 93-04
The Fuel Systems program features unique innovation and solutions by offering premium OE fit, form, and function as well as exceptional vehicle coverage and exclusive problem-solving features.
Fuel Pumps and Electric Fuel Pump Assemblies are made with all new materials under rigorous quality controlled manufacturing and testing procedures.
Quality Fuel Pumps and Fuel Pump Assemblies deliver optimum performance while providing long life.
Most applications include the necessary accessories such as tank seals, patented high-gradient density strainers and wiring harnesses.
Fuel sensor design provides resistance to corrosive fuel blends and additives.
Subject: Fuel Pump Module 043919051 BAA919051C for VW

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